Whimsical Bloggings of a Mahou Soujo

Whimsical Bloggings of a Mahou Shoujo

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Long time past seen....

Well Well Well.....

Who do we have here?

It's been a hella long time, over a entire year infact!

So many things have been happening for me, I had many life upheavals, drama, etc that I was dealing with , that blogging was just too exhausting to think about even ATTEMPTING to sit down and write up any thing of substance or on my mind...

(It didn't help that my "brand new" laptop purchased last April died on me in September no thanks to windows updating and it took me over six months to have the finances to get it "fixed"  ((the guys at the computer repair doctors tried to hand build the OS on here and it's a fucking mess and don't even get me started on all the issues and how badly i wanna trash them)) )

Any how....

I have so many big plans for this year, I"m restarting youtube very soon so look forward to that, as well as blogging, talking, and bringing more of my creative visions to life here! 
Blogging was and always has been such a relief for me and I'm finally in a place where I feel like once again I can have an opening to create, write, and put down my thoughts, feelings, and general opinions to virtual pen and paper and share it with you all!

So cheers to a new year (um... it's already the middle of March?!) and new projects and I can't wait to take you guys along with me!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Colder weather...

Colder Weather...

It is FINALLY getting cold in NC, and while I have been thoroughly enjoying my daily hot cocoas, sweater weathers, and even a hint of flurries, there have been some down sides....

Since the weather is colder, that means my cat babies wake up at piss ass early demanding their daily morning sustenance,  ensuring I get barely a full 4 hours of sleep on days where Sam isn't working the morning shift....

 But... I guess there are worse ways to be harassed than a warm kitty on your lap.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Rare Kitty Cuddle Pile Appears!

Nothing Particularly Special Today, I just wanted to share this rare occurance with the babies, Mr. Bear and Mouse cuddling in the same chair together!!

Bear is such a grown up and very lovingly tried to give Mouse some grooming, but Mouse is such a weird fickle and prickly cat when it comes to physical touch (maybe it's the Aquarian in him?) and started to get very tensed to the point of wacking Bear, but I quickly toned the tension down and then Mouse preceeded to sit there and pout given the fact he was now having to share his favorite seat (where he can watch me work on my bed in the bg there) with Bear.

I love these babies sometimes so much i just can't stand it, I am so glad I was able to capture this on camera and document it!!

For now I'm leaving my blog to just simple things as this until I can work myself up to a better schedule to get back in the swing of things...

Until then...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

How do you get back to blogging when your life is such a mess that you can't even...

Monday, June 9, 2014

Being an Adult is Bullshit

Recently I've become really....exausted with the role of being an adult.

This August I'll be turning 23 which, for most people, you would think is an age where one SHOULD be pretty well versed in the motions of being an adult and doing adult things, but this is not really the case for myself.

I come from a large family, and compared to many of my siblings growing up, I was ALWAYS the first to do ANY AND EVERY THING.  That is until around highschool, I became very depressed and affected by various events going on in my personal life around then and to kind of "cope" with the pressures, I allowed myself to "regress" or even become what I consider more "selfish".

This pattern of behavior lasted for me well after highschool, as I was still dealing with  in unhealthy manners.  This resulted in me doing things like NOT going off to college, NOT getting a  job (but that was partially due to health issues as well), and basically, I spent a lot of my time up until this past year, doing A LOT of "living for myself", and really trying to reconstruct the damage that had been incurred to me in my highschool/middleschool years.

But, because of this, I've been much of a late bloomer in terms of doing all my living as an "adult".  I've only had one job and it was a summer internship TWO YEARS ago, which I used and invested my money from there to launch my company.  Then last year, I finally moved into my own apartment, and started paying my own bills for the first time.  And this year, I've started dealing with the bullshit that is health insurance/healthcare issues.

For many years now I've been in the process of trying to address my health.  It's something I'd like to write more indepth about, but that will have to be saved for a future blog (or vlog who knows).  But continuously, health insurance has not only been a HUGE hindrance to me getting the help I NEED, but it's become something that gives me paralyzing amounts of stress.

And recently, it's a large part of why I haven't been posting at all since APRIL, even though I've been out of school now for almost a month.  Between school, business issues, traveling (for business), and trying to address my insurance/health care, it's just been a very over whelming few months that has left me pissed off that i wasted soo much of my times where I was allowed to be care free, NOT being more productive.

All of these things I've realised are part of me being an adult.  Age is something we like to tack onto WHEN someone can be considered an adult, but recently I've started to feel that maybe that shouldn't be the case at all.  Maybe being an adult is more subjective, and one should be considered an adult when they have reached the mental capacity to  truly understand their responsibility not just for themselves, but how their actions, words, and participation in a community affect others.

I'm starting to realise that, even though I once considered that I was an adult at age 18, I'm just now realising, I'm only JUST NOW starting to be a true adult, someone who is responsible for myself and those around me, who is thoughtful and aware of how my actions truly have an affect on my environment, and also takes priority on being a conscientious member of my community.  As they say, your brain doesn't really reach full maturity until on average people are 25, and as a child of only 18 I used to scoff at that because at the time, I truly believed this was ridiculous and couldn't picture myself being any MORE conscientious or developed then I was at that moment.

I  now know in hindsight, how VERY TRUE this statement is.  I look at my behavior and thought patterns from just a year ago and I can't even relate to that person any more.  I am constantly surprised and I continue my growth and noticing my friends around me ALSO experiencing these same revelations, and experiences of being a "true adult"an are still only just scratching the surface of being an adult.

It really has brought me to question, when will we as a society be able to recognize this as a whole?  Should we really continue to believe that people who are 18 are truly developed enough to be considered able to take on all the responsibilities of being an adult?  It's brought up alot of personal revelations in me in terms of being more understanding and forgiving on people who are younger than me, instead of jumping to a judgmental standpoint of "well you're an adult, you should know better", because I realise now, even just looking at my own past, that no, we don't always know better.

 I think being an adult IS BULLSHIT.  Especially with where our society is right now.  It is SO unforgiving to young adults and people who are still LEARNING HOW to be an adult.

Yes for many at 18, they ARE able to integrate into society and fulfill the societal standards of being grown straight out of highschool.  But for those like myself, who are still growing and learning, it's a struggle.  Every day is a struggle, especially when  I've found i start to feel like I'm running out of time to LEARN things, to pursue the activities I want to, and to enjoy my life.  I continue to feel this pressure that I need to hurry up and fall into the expectation of getting a job, to be completely independent, to get a degree, etc etc. All while the things I really want to do, like blogging, traveling, pursue my business, get put on the side until I "have time" to do them.

Recently my life has become  this bullshit cycle of going through checking my health insurance benefits, or paying off student loans,  killing my bursts of creativity and passions because I can't focus put focus on those things at the expense of my focus  on school.  I keep finding that the things that make up ME or my own passions, continue to get put to the side because I'm struggling to figure out these various things ALONE.  

 I started to realise there is such a major lack of HELP and assistance out there for people making the transition from being children into adults.  In many ways from college, to health insurance, to getting loans or setting up a credit card, or paying taxes, there are so many ways the system is set up to be AGAINST helping, and taking advantage of my age groups lack of knowledge and naivety.  I have started to find is that being an adult is full of so much bullshit it keeps us in this roundabout of struggle and ignorance so as to keep us from having the energy to really focus on what is truly important, and many times makes us loose site of that.

In the present what I've mostly found is that being an adult is a bunch of bullshit.  Trying to be a responsible adult is nearly impossible, and I've realised that it makes me angry that I spent so much of my youth being given the impression that at my age now, I SHOULD be a well established adult who has my shit together and is completely independant of help from outside sources.  But what I've come to learn is that many and most people my age, and even many before me, will not and do not find their stability until they are much older (some not at all).   Even now, as I'm feeling many areas of my life finally falling into place, I still don't think in a year or two I'll have things figured out.  Eventually though, I hope to get through the bullshit and be able to finally graduate into being a full adult and say "I DID IT, I GOT THROUGH THE BULLSHIT I CAN FINALLY START LIVING MY LIFE!".

I can only hope that I can work hard enough to get there before too much of my life has passed me by.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sailor Moon Gashapons!

Hi Hiii!

So, as some of you may know, there is an EXCITING development in the magical girl world!!

Sailor Moon is FINALLY making it back on the anime scene, with the long awaited re-vamped anime:

I was SO excited two years ago when the news was announced, I literally started CRYING!
 Sailor Moon holds a very near and dear place in my heart, and has been a corner stone for much of who I have shaped my ideals about love, friendship, and righteousness around!

With the new anime coming however there have been SO MANY new and WONDERFULLY done merchandise, from bags, apparel, stationary, and even GASHAPONS!

The brooches and transformation items have long been COVETED by Moonies since the begining of the series!  Especially in the past ten or so years with Sailor Moon having been completely off air, there has been NO new merchandise, and collectors like myself have scrambled to afford the ever rising prices of the retro lunar toys!

So, imagine how ECSTATIC those of us in the magical girl fandom were to learn about the introduction of brooch GASHAPONS!

And these are not just ANY gashapons, they are almost near PERFECT replicas of the original full sized toy compacts!

Take a look at these babys!

Can you understand how freaking amazing these are??

Comparatively to the other Sailor Moon replica merchandise being put out (so far) only through Premium Bandai through their "Proplica" line.  That's a fancy way of labeling their revamped anime toy line for "adult collectors" basically....it's all mostly the exact same designed items from the 90's that they've just slapped on an exclusive "brand" title onto it with a "brand" price, oh AND they are limited EXCLUSIVELY to those who live in Japan ONLY. 

(I could write a whole article about this, probably will in the near future but lets get back to the point...)

It is QUITE the understatement to say that these mere Gashapons are WORKS OF ART!
But what the hell is a gashapon you ask, and why are these pieces so special even if they are just cookie cutters of the original designs?

Well let me explain: Gashapons are usually cheap crappy toys you can buy for 100-500 yen (about 1-5$ USD) a piece and are despensed in little toy machines.  You're probably used to seeing those crappy little toy machines in your local arcades or grocery stores, wher eyou can get stickers or a simple fall apart toy for just quarters.  

Well these are the Japanese equivalents, however in recent years Gashapon toys have become nicer as companies have realised that collectors are willing to shell out more money, for better quality items at the fraction of the cost!

So here we have these beautiful compacts!

I had my doubts when I saw the original prototype photos since they were photoshopped sooo much that i just prayed i would get any thing close to a nice authentic looking compact instead of having to spend the 300+ on a retro or even proplica compact!

These gashapon come in a variety of five designs: 

Transformation Brooch
Crystal Star Compact
Cosmic Heart Compact
Crisis Moon Compact
Chibi Moon Crisis Compact

The detail is SERIOUSLY breath taking especially a someone as in love with SM as myself!

At just 500 yen a pop, these pieces are SERIOUSLY a gift from GOD onto the Moonie universe!
And, thanks to them being GASHAPONS, that means that anime specialty stores were able to sell these guys as well!  So i gathered my 25$ and placed my pre-order the DAY they went up on Bluefin Tamashii!

Sooooo Much SHINY

And to my DELIGHT these guys are almost near the same size as the fullsized compacts that would have been in the show!

Because they ARE gashapons, I had expected they would perhaps be smaller, some where like the size of a keychain, but nope, they are HUGE in comparison to my expectations!

Additionally, each gashapon opens up to reveal this quite fugly, but very detailed, embossed yellow plastic outlining what would be the insides of these toys!
Personally, I'd have loved to have payed more just to buy additional stickers that you could put on the insides but i mean, i think for the price the quality is still stinking amazing!

They even recycled the inside design of a retro toy of this very compact too ahaha'''

Additionally, each gashapon opens up further under the yellow to reveal a little storage compartment, which is a fairly good size, enough to store some earrings, candy, or pills!!

Such a good valued Gashapon, I'm still super impressed!

They all also come with a nice little mirror, this one still has the film attached but it suffices enough i think to be able to at least apply lipgloss with ahaah....

Finally, I made a short youtube video, just to get that extra little eye candy visual on how stunning the work that was put into these babies was:

I really hope this company makes more of these in the future, I would LOVE to see them do the other sailor items or even compacts and pens for around the same price, you better believe I'll be right on those to snatch them up!

Have these made you want some of your own?

Thanks for reading, please leave comments and questions down below!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hi Guys!  

Valentines Day is right around the corner, and with all the expensive gifts and dinners, I thought I would post about a wonderful alternative, and heartfelt valentine DIY!

It's cheap and affordable for your wallet so you can actually put your money towards a special treat for yourself or your loved ones!

Alrighty So here are the supplies you'll need:

Cardstock Paper: You can find all kinds of these papers in many styles at Micheals!
Frosted Paper:  Also can be found in the paper isle at Micheals!
Ribbon: 1/3 Inch size is Best for this size Valentine, but you can go larger to fit your Valentine!
Hole Punch: for this project I used a heart shaped hole punch, but you can use a regular one or make your own
Paper Punch: For this i used a heart shaped one, but you can print a heart template and cut you preference!
Envelopes: For obvious reasons ( >u0 )Y

Next, using your paper punch, or heart template, cut out or trace and cut your desired design from your chosen cardstock!

For this project, I chose a cute pin stripe in pink!

Look how cute it's already starting to look! ^^

Make sure if you have a specific patterned paper, that you cut along the way you want the pattern to be displayed on your card, or it can wind up looking funny!

(I actually as you can see in the previous picture cut the first heart horizontal instead of vertical sooo00 lmao'''')


Now that you've gotten your cardstock cut, now you need to cut your frosted paper!

For this project i chose a light rosy color to compliment the look of my cardstock, but you can choose any of the several other designs and colors available in store!

Once you have all of your desired cards cut out, it's time to pull out that hole punch!

For mine I had a heart shaped holepunch so that's what I will be using, but you can use a regular hole punch, or even cut out your own shapes using an  exacto knife or scissors carefully!

And wah la!


To help make sure they are lined up properly I would recommend you try to layer the two papers and cut them together, but you don't have to do this!

Next,  place the frosted paper ontop of your cardstock paper and line them up!

At this time you'll want to pull out your ribbon, and cut up some strips!
I personally like to cut them a tad bit longer since I like to fiddle with the bow a bit until i get it perfect, and if you cut the ribbon too short, this will be pretty difficult!

Once you've cut your strips, it's time to lace the ribbon through each side of the holes!
This will secure the two papers together, as well as looking super cute!

Next tie the ribbon ONCE into a knot.
This secures the ribbon and will help to keep the bow secure and also even and not lopsided!

Once you've done that you can go ahead and tie your bow!

For best results, you'll want to use a bowtie technique for this but you can tie a regular shoelace bow, you just will have to fiddle with the bow a bit to get it to sit straight!

And you're done!

This is a very cheap, easy, alternative valentine that any one can love!
Also it leaves flexibility for you to customize it to any kind of possibility or design you'd want!

You can then write a note on the cardstock, frosted paper, or, if you prefer to print something, you can run the cardstock or frosted paper through your printer first before cutting out your cards!

For the sake of time (and the fact i do not own a printer lol) I left mine blank for now!

Finally you can package them up into a little envelope and hand them out to your loved ones!

All together this project costs under 5$ (excluding the paper punches)
All craft supplies can be purchased or found online and instores for your local Micheals craftstore!

Thanks for reading and hope you all have a lovely time!